How to setup proactive invitations with different text for different pages

Included for free in plans

You can benefit a greatly if you set up proactive invitations with different texts for different pages. You will need to go to your Admin Panel -> SETTINGS -> Triggers in order to set most of these up.

Method 1: Rules for different pages and directories.#

The essence of this method is that you can make several rules for proactive invitations, where you will set them for certain pages by using the ‘URL of the current page’ condition. This method has a maximum limit of 10 proactive rules.

Example for two individual pages

Note: The time on page/site condition should be less seconds than the ones set up on the main trigger.

Method 2: General rule with excluded pages.#

The essence of this method is that you make a general rule, where you will set exclusions by using the ‘URL of the current page’ condition, and later set rules for the exclusion of pages with the same condition. The limit is 10 rules as well.

Example for general rule with exclusions

Example of excluded page (as in the Method 1)

Method 3: Settings by API.#

If you need to set different invitations to plenty of pages, there is one method by installing the proactive invitation code onto the pages.

The essence of this method is that you make invitations by using the "JSON-structure" code. Furthermore, you must embed this code to appropriate pages. More information here: API


function jivo_onLoadCallback(){

jivo_config.rules = [


    "name": "Proactive invitation",

    "enabled": true,

    "type": "all",

     "conditions": [


        "condition": "online",

        "value": true



        "condition": "time_on_page",

        "comparator": "greater",

        "value": 5



    "commands": [{

      "command": "proactive",

      "params": {

       "message": "Hello! How may I help you?"





Method 4: Installation of different chat codes.#

If you have different subdomains or directories, which are in separate parts of your website (For example: forums, blogs, e.t.c), you need to create additional widgets for such parts through ‘Add site‘ button. Furthermore, you will need to embed unique codes for the subdomains or directories and set Triggers rules for each website.

Example of several websites in admin panel.

Important: If the customer leaves beyond the current subdomain or directory and goes to a part of the website with another code, all conversation will be lost.

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